Existem algumas expressões em inglês que correspondem ao nosso 'de madrugada'. Confira a seguir:
1) My father has always been an early riser. (Meu pai sempre foi um madrugador.)
2) He was up at the crack of dawn today to get in line. (Ele acordou de madrugada (bem cedo) hoje para fazer fila.)
3) I go for a walk every morning at daybreak. (Eu faço uma caminhada toda madrugada.)
4) I worked until the wee hours of the morning yesterday. (Fiquei trabalhando até de madrugada ontem.)
5) Tomorrow I have to wake up bright and earlyto go to the airport. (Amanhã tenho que madrugar para ir ao aeroporto.)
6) They turned up here in the early hours. (Apareceram aqui de madrugada.)
7) They were getting up in the early hours. (Estavam acordando de madrugada.)
8) We used to go to bed in the early hours. (A gente costumava ir dormir de madrugada.)
9) My friend called me in the early hours. (Meu amigo me ligou de madrugada.)
Outras expressões:
"at the crack of dawn", "at dawn", "at first light", "early in the morning".
1) My father has always been an early riser. (Meu pai sempre foi um madrugador.)
2) He was up at the crack of dawn today to get in line. (Ele acordou de madrugada (bem cedo) hoje para fazer fila.)
3) I go for a walk every morning at daybreak. (Eu faço uma caminhada toda madrugada.)
4) I worked until the wee hours of the morning yesterday. (Fiquei trabalhando até de madrugada ontem.)
5) Tomorrow I have to wake up bright and earlyto go to the airport. (Amanhã tenho que madrugar para ir ao aeroporto.)
6) They turned up here in the early hours. (Apareceram aqui de madrugada.)
7) They were getting up in the early hours. (Estavam acordando de madrugada.)
8) We used to go to bed in the early hours. (A gente costumava ir dormir de madrugada.)
9) My friend called me in the early hours. (Meu amigo me ligou de madrugada.)
Outras expressões:
"at the crack of dawn", "at dawn", "at first light", "early in the morning".